Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Is a blog a journal? Or more like self-published short stories? I want to write more but often feel like there's not much to say. I think the reason I keep this up is because of people like Masiguy, 198, and Fat Cyclist. Or Zeroboy and Madcapper. But I think if I'm going to keep this up, I need to be a little more purposeful about it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Time for a New Job

I need a new job. I've found an industry that I can be passionate about and that has a ton of diversity within itself. But I have a feeling that my time on the retail side of things is getting shorter every day. Especially in the area I work, there is a an expectation on the part of our customers that our store will roll over and play dead any time they come in for a confrontation or that we ought to stock 100% of the items that they could ever possibly dream of. Not to mention some of the expectations internally are getting ridiculous. I feel like there's a big difference between working relaxed yet industriously and working as though my job security depends on out-performing the previous years sales numbers every single night.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Wow! amazed. I've worked in the cycling industry for a year now and what people can two with two wheels and two legs amazes me every day.